most of this was drawn whilst (really) listening in a few of meetings during these couple of two weeks (no i'm not proud to admit that); but was completed at noon.
doodling tribal man was fun. :) the more I keep on doing these 'art'-making, the more I realize that things aren't so difficult as it seemed at the first glance...awesome artworks are made up of simple lines, curves, geometrical patterns and stuffs...its no rocket science.
It's like mathematics..the more you practice on doing the exercises, the more you see the pattern, hence the easier it gets to solve any equations and problems...
It's like life. the more you go through difficult phases, the more you'll see the pattern--emerging as the solution to your long-time-haunting problems..
The words in this blog seems to get lengthier and lengthier...I'mma close the other supposedly-wordy-blog.. :)