Tuesday, December 28, 2010
ninety four: bearbee's
bearbee's academic journey by ~sitiwaznahnaan on deviantART
bearbee's a junior of mine when i was in secondary school.. she shows her big support by 'like'-ing many of my works in fb. then she requested me to illustrate her academic journey from primary to where she is now; in university. At firts i have no idea how to do it...
She only gave me a few hints; one of it is that she wanted something along this line; and that it should visualize her experience in her academic journey. I am no bearbee...we're different people, but in my personal opinion, we all undergone the same thing in finding knowledge, in life too..something bad, something good, something ugly something beautiful; meeting evil and kind people, and get tangled in so many difficult situations..those were the things that can help us to be mature...
therefore; i decided to follow my heart with this; using my own experience in general to relate to hers..dan terhasillah dengan gembiranya; lukisan yang tidak seberapa ini, aku harap kau suka, Bearbee...
All praises to Allah.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
ninety three: 1year old blog

pen without pencil; today, i procrastinate by doing this
the problem with improvising is when you have too little idea of what you are doing...I love to draw aimlessly (which is doodling) but I love it too much that I most probably hate it too. (the line which separates love and hate is pretty thin)..I hate it when I think I am not improving; not going anywhere with it. I hate to draw the same stuffs. I hate that my doodles (which I draw aimlessly) dont have a certain formation. I can hate lots of things about it.
But it's weird that those hatred comes from pure love of the activity. I love that I couldn't feel normal/complete without a pen and paper with me.
I love that 3 years ago, I decided I want to do this. And I will one day; know exactly what I am doing with it; and go 'somewhere' with it. And for starters, today this blog is a year old. (might not be much to some, but its somewhat big for me.so, yey wz!)
thank you for being here with me... :> (syok sendiri nihh)
Friday, December 24, 2010
ninety two: portraits of kas

Aih. perlu lebih byk latihan. :( melukis potret agak menjengkelkan tanpa kneaded eraser...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
ninety one: lies told to children

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
ninety: cabaran/request--patriotik

idea: a new friend challenged/requested me to do something patriotic, so i did this for a short time
duration: 45 minutes
Pigment inks, magic colors in sketchbook
How deep can you read into the drawing? Kau rasa, apa yang boleh kau interpret?
ps: aku cuma berhabis-habisan melukis sebab masa rehat dari membuat kerja persiapan untuk hari-hari sekolah 2011 di habiskan dengan melukis..
eighty nine: request org vs hasrat diri
This is the final sketch that I did whilst invigilating the SPM.
please click to view clearer.

as of most of my comics; please read from top to bottom, left to right.
Aku sedikit pening dengan menyusun/mem-prioritize kan kerja 'art' aku. macam makin byk request and commission tapi banyak idea yang mengalir keluar yang tiada kaitan dengan request2 itu. bila idea datang; idea tu akan seperti menggigit otak aku sampai la aku keluarkan nya ke atas kertas..so, macammana?

please click to view clearer.

as of most of my comics; please read from top to bottom, left to right.
Aku sedikit pening dengan menyusun/mem-prioritize kan kerja 'art' aku. macam makin byk request and commission tapi banyak idea yang mengalir keluar yang tiada kaitan dengan request2 itu. bila idea datang; idea tu akan seperti menggigit otak aku sampai la aku keluarkan nya ke atas kertas..so, macammana?
w.i.p kasninah's second portrait. sebab aku tak puas-puas dengan first portrait. i want to make progress; bukan main2 dalam portraiture ni.. :| *muka seryes*
boxersBoy; versi gambar.
beberapa wip lain
1. bearbee's, frisca's, cartoon skecth/doodle (baru rough sketches)
2. "make the most of every idea" for acrylic try-out (baru sketch atas A3 paper)
3. beberapa biji minimomos (baru gunting beberapa biji; itu pun sbb belum dpt confirmation)
4. "ikatan kimia" comic (baru siap penciling)
5. the "marriage" entry (baru first draft and a doodle)
6. a partriotic sketch/doodle challenge by a new friend (blum dapat idea lagi)
7. tidak termasuk beberapa kerja sekolah sbg persediaan sekolah 2011
suka ja kau start buat banyak2 kerja serentak eh waz pastuh tiada yang siap aihh
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
eighty eight: super duper BoxerBoy
i am not really sure if this is an authentic original idea.. someone somewhere must've thought about this somehow; some time after the first ever boxers are created.. atau mungkin selepas boxer dicipta dan selepas superhero pertama di dunia yang menggunakan spender ketat terpaksa komplen yang ia menyesakkan..
mungkin aku bukan org pertama fikirkan tentang ini tapi; aku lukiskan ini hari itu:

di poster pertama ini; it is very clear that BoxersBoy doesnt want me to color him. Tapi aku degil; aku mau juga...

jadi lah begitu..
Aku rasa aku patut givap cuba mewarna. waz,...waz....
Monday, December 20, 2010
eighty seven: untuk gadis hanis manis
hari ini hari terakhir untuk budak2 SPM; merdeka. Jerit2. Conteng sana sini. Oh. They have no idea what's ahead of them. Maybe yes; but just a rough idea. Macam keluar dari mulut buaya, masuk mulut org-yg-baru-bgn-pagi. Busuk. Lagi teruk dari mulut dragon. Iya. itu perumpamaan yang aku pilih.
Pada beberapa jam yang sungguh tidak membosankan itu; aku pun buat kesekian kalinya; bertapuk2 (sorok) melukis ..demi tidak terlena. Semalam hanis manis mintak aku lukis dia. request yg paling simple setakat ni. Jadi aku dahulukan request dia dan :-

percubaan pertama. tiada warna sbb aku tidak puas hati lukisan ni.
hanis, sila email saya sitiwaznahnaan@gmail.com jika ingin lukisan ini tanpa watermark. :> hope you like it..
sebenarnya banyak rogh sketches yang aku buat tadi. tapi semua belum diperbaiki. I'll upload them later when I'm finished with them.
2 weeks before school starts again. Oh; my.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
eighty five: minimomo for emy

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
eighty four: shaky hand

bila aku tengok karya2 org yg hebat2, aku tiba2 rasa pointless usaha aku yang merangkak macam siput. Tapi ..
Saturday, December 11, 2010
eighty three: i'll be gone 'till monday
Friday, December 10, 2010
eighty two: Mini Momo

handphone dangles RM5 each.
about the size of 5o sen or, 2 to 2.5 inches..
tidak menggunakan benda yg handphone straps slalu pakai tu sebab aku nampak selalu senang nak cabut. ni tali one-piece trus. i dont know what kind of thread it is..tapi its silky..not the ones used for knitting or cross-stitch. x senang mau putus; it's really strong
The backside of these things can be customized upon request. up until 4 characters.. such as I [heart] u...or MIA or DAD or whatever. I did one with my signature behind it. fonts will be limited though coz i sew them all by hand and it's kinda difficult.
and I'll sew more of different 'designs' and different colors..like rabbits, and frogs or whatever that comes into mind. as long as it's tiny. if you wana order the same 'designs' as above picture, pun boleh :)
Do u have any comments or kritikan membina? I appreciate every thought/idea/comment
contoh penggunaan:
kalau mau beli/bertanya berkenaan ini, sila email di sitiwaznahnaan@gmail.com okeh :D
eighty one: honesty? what were you thinking?!

girl: hey baby * merehatkan kepala di bahu boy *
boy: yeap?
girl: tgh fikir apa tu, awak..?
boy: nothing..
girl: ala...bagi tau la...
boy: tiada apa2 la, awak...
girl: tipu...saya tau awak tgh fikirkan sesuatu...ala...cakap ja la awak...
boy: aahh urmmm sy tgh fikir--emm kenapa bumi bulat? atau..sy fikir besok mau makan apa untuk sarapan..?
girl: ALA! Awak ni! saja nak loyeburook~~ (pouts and merajok for the whole day)
**************alternative situation***************
boy2: ... *melihat ke langit*
girl2: hey baby * merehatkan kepala di bahu boy *
boy2: yes darll~~?[extra gedsss]
girl2: tgh fikir apa tu, awak..?
boy2: uhmmm..oh, saya tgh fikir betapaa sayaaannggnya saya dgn awak!! *blab about dream weddings, children and a promising future together; pretty much you became Ted Mosby here*
girl2: ohh sukeee~!!!!!! (went bragging about it on at facebook)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
eighty: listening (mendengar dengan baik)

well, actually, i think it's this way: bila bercinta dulu, dia pura2 mendengar. tetapi sebenarnya cuma kagum betapa cantiknya anda/bahagianya dia mendapat anda. sekarang, kekaguman nya sudah sedikit hilang, tetapi bahagianya masih banyak. cuma tidak cukup banyak untuk pura2 mendengar lagi.
Face it ladies...guys will always be guys. I dare say most (not all) has little interest about us gossiping over who and who and those petty details of how your day went. even they are listening, they just too man-ly to give a feedback on that.
but when guys refuse to listen during 'important discussions' (problems concerning the family and the well-being of it) then that is a different story.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
seventy nine: love-related (AGAIN????)
these were the ones i draw on monday (masa paper 3 chemistry heheh) but didnt get to upload it

bf related bragging sessions r sometimes not suitable (bimbo girl still make [^^,] face)

"our love was lost...but now we founddd it~~ our love was lost, ooouuu oohhh and hope was gonee..." yea sing it!!

Draw EVERYTHING you possibly can whenever you can. Also, learn anatomy and perspective. Style is not an excuse for shoddy fundamentals, so learn the rules before you break them. Also, the public library is your friend. Check out some books on drawing and never stop studying. Keep in mind that artistic prowess takes YEARS to develop and although talent helps, it is NOTHING without determination, practice, and hard work. Never give up."- Kevin Bolk, 2010
thank you friend
...n all of the (very few) followers...i stalk...every--n each--one--of--you.....
bwahahaha *evil laf*
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
seventy eight: covergirlswannabe

Mango's hosting an ATC swap. check it out here
Monday, December 6, 2010
seventy seven: second chance

I know comics shouldn't need a reading-instruction but : read from top to bottom, left to right. I don't know what the hell I was thinking while drawing this that I made it that way.
To read the whole comic please go here
I took about three weeks to get this comic done because I cant bring myself to finish it due to realizing how crappy the story is. When I decided on the story line I only had 2 things in mind. (1) sad sad story (2) it should be about 'you' ripping off your own second chance; and everyone else's (that matters to 'you') second chances too.
But what the heck. these things happen in real life okay!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
seventy six: "CINTA"

Don't you think so? I think a lot of people has compare love to drugs... i hate that it's actually true. that when u love too much, there's just the possibility that you could 'kill' or 'destroy' yourself.
"berpada-pada la bila bercinta" Mak Timah kata.
and thank you azah skaliskala for giving me this award...
Nama blog korang dan kenapa letak nama tu:
Garisgarishalus: sbb aku rs suma lukisan cuma bermula daripada gari-garis halus.
Which is at one point, the name shows that nobody has the right to be too boastful of their work for they are just made of simple lines. At another point, it shows that those lines are about the artists themselves; their identity—thus they should be glad that God has given them something to be thankful of. All Praises to Allah.
5 Perkara yang korang suka:
1 – melukis-lukis
2 – melihat-lihat (muvi/artwork org laen/tabiat & sikap org di jalanan)
3 – berjalan-jalan (terutamanya di tmpt2 hijau & sejuk)
4 – mendengar musik
5 – membaca (sikit-sikit, sbb ada short-attention span)
5 Perkara yang korang tak suka:
1 – org-org yg suka boast
2 – org-org yg menghina org laen dgn keterlaluan
3 – cliché yang dibangga-banggakan
4 – migraine & suma penyebabnya
5 – diri sendiri yg terkini. Aku mau jadi lebih baik.
ak tataw ramai sgt dlm dunia blogger ni..so, hentam
korg nak buat, buat la, xnak pun xpa..:D
hanis manis (idea suma best n colorful)
asyraf (slh sorang kwn baek ak)
ejat (pengiat seni jugak)
bloodseeker (idea mcm air tak pernah putus, best)
budakpoyo (ak suka tulisan n komik simple dia)
ps: setakat ni ni la entry plg byk tulis2. ak cuba elak menda ni tapi xpala :D aku ni pemalas n pelupa tp naseb baek ada org sudi nak push n ingatkan aku yeyeyy
Saturday, December 4, 2010
seventy five: high/big ambitions

i'm telling u, this happened in real life.
the first frame was inspired by a form 4 kid, the second and third by a 13 year old. i just mixed 'em up to show a more ridiculous mind set of a child.
and he wasn't kidding to be a robber.
Friday, December 3, 2010
seventy four: *slap* sugarplum

i had forgotten that i used to really like drawing ugly stuffs back then. Not that my current drawings are any better or more beautiful/cute. watever.
oh i was referring to the 'style'..

Leaves tell stories. Imagine that...how many stories are told when the wind is blowing; making the leaves sing...

Kilang hujan bawak cinta turun bersama-sama titik air.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
seventy two: special edition sugarplum (IDU set)
[I] [D]ont [U]nderstand
i sometimes wish i could turn back time.


seventy one: what a waste

when i saw empty chairs and tables i cant help being sad...They really don't know what they'll miss by not attending this SugarPluM examinations. so saaadd...

yea. cool ppl go to school to get education and be awesome in life!

pardon me if my drawing can't really portray the importance of education. It is the door to infinite possibilities. Some of my students would say: "ala cikgu, ramai saja yg tidak pigi sekolah tapi jadi kaya raya" and so my reply would be "..." actually...i dont reply them. i just give them a smirk.
coz it's funny that; i've seen a living proof; someone who said those lines exactly; but he didnt become kaya raya?! now how can i make them understand?
my point exactly. education can help u get a car for the climb to the top.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
seventy: desperation on papers
you know there are times when you have so many ideas & so many 'important' things to say that you are desperate to put 'em on paper? So, even when you're standing & have only papers as big as half of your palm; so desperate that that would just do?

this last part there, you know ppl used to say that teachers are like candles who burn themselves to light others' path? then suddenly ppl change their minds and say teachers nowadays dont do that anymore; supposedly this is a good thing 'cause ppl wana point out that teachers r very clever nowadays n even cleverer than teachers before.
but to me, its a shame that we arent candles anymore. i am ashamed of myself for not being able to be a candle that burn herself for the sake of the students. Because, if i could, i'd be one but still be fabulous in it...och, well, i think i just have to challenge myself to it! yeay i will work myself towards that challenge!!
sixty nine: 2011 (part 2)

somebody just made me back to listening NIN songs...it's suppose to mean good thing but, yeah...it's actually not...hurmmm
update: re-upload aug-sept-oct-nov

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