Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ninety: cabaran/request--patriotik

idea: a new friend challenged/requested me to do something patriotic, so i did this for a short time
duration: 45 minutes
Pigment inks, magic colors in sketchbook

How deep can you read into the drawing? Kau rasa, apa yang boleh kau interpret?

ps: aku cuma berhabis-habisan melukis sebab masa rehat dari membuat kerja persiapan untuk hari-hari sekolah 2011 di habiskan dengan melukis..


Azreenchan said...

kamu sgt rajen!! :D
tiap2 hr pn post lukisan.
huhu, bestnye.

waz said...

hahah ni ja la yg sy mampu buat...lukisan pun x seberapa..
lagipun, nanti sekolah da re-opens, i wont be able to draw as often da kot :(